Zoom Support

Zoom Support

Support requests can be submitted to Zoom directly by using the following process. In order to ensure coordination in resolving your support issue, if you log a support request directly with Zoom, we ask that you email a copy of the Zoom support response to

Zoom Support Process

“Support Ticket” means a notification by a customer advising Zoom of a perceived issue, or question concerning the service.

Business, Education or APIplan subscribers shall report support tickets to Zoom by:

  • Online submission via https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Chat via https://zoom.us
  • Phone dial-in +1.888.799.9666 ext 2 or +1.650.397.6096 ext 2

Free or Pro plan subscribers shall report support tickets to Zoom by:

  • Online submission via https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Chat via https://zoom.us

Support Hours
Zoom “Support Hours” are 24 x 7, including Public Holidays, where agents or technical engineers are available for email or live support.

Priority Levels
When a Support Ticket is initiated with Zooms technical support team, it shall be classified according to the following Priority levels:

  • Priority 1 – Urgent:
    The Service is down, operation of the Service is severely degraded, or there is a critical impact to the Service due to a fault with the network or other software issue. No workarounds. Examples include failures of Zooms transmission services or software functions. Zoom will provide necessary resources around the clock to resolve this situation.
  • Priority 2 – High:
    Significant aspects of the Service are negatively affected by inadequate performance of the network or other software issues. Partial or no workarounds. Zoom will provide resources during Zooms normal business hours to resolve the situation and additional resources outside of Zooms normal business hours as reasonably necessary.
  • Priority 3 – Normal:
    General issues related to a feature or a set of features. Operational performance of the Service is not impaired. Zoom shall provide reasonable resources during Zooms normal business hours to assist in resolving the problem or providing a workaround.
  • Priority 4  2013 Low:
    Informational or Feature Change Request: Customer requires information or assistance with Services capabilities, installation or configuration and there is little to no effect on its business operations. Included are requests for information, assistance, features, alpha/beta and others. Such requests will be handled within Zoom’s normal business hours.

Target Response Times
Target Response Time for a Support Ticket shall be the time (a) commencing when Zoom receives a proper Support Ticket from Customer and (b) ending when customer receives notification that the Support Ticket has been logged.

Pro, Business, API or Education plan subscribers:

  • Priority 1 – Urgent: 1 Hour
  • Priority 2 – High: 4 Hours
  • Priority 3 – Normal: 24 Hours
  • Priority 4 – Low: 24 Hours

Free plan subscribers:

  • All Priorities: 24 Hours

Customer Satisfaction
When a ticket is marked resolved, you will receive a short email to mark your satisfaction level and put any comments related to our service. We appreciate any feedback as it will help us improve our support services.

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Direct Contact

Email: info@dcs.global

Phone: 877.201.7914 

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Suite 1200
Richardson, TX 75080
United States

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Suite C1/04
Woodinville, WA 98072
United States

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Bothell, WA 98021
United States

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2nd Floor
Emeryville, CA 94608 
United States

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38016 Cleveland Avenue
Squamish, BC V8B 0A8

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A woman with long brown hair, wearing glasses and a striped blouse, uses a touchscreen device mounted on a wooden wall. She holds an orange file folder and some papers in her other hand, standing in a modern office environment.